Residents gather to tell Rep. Reichert to stop supporting poverty wages and increase the minimum wage members and other concerned residents head to Rep. Dave Reichert's district office in Auburn on Tuesday to demand that he vote to increase the minimum wage to at least $10.10 an hour.

For the Reporter members and other concerned residents head to Rep. Dave Reichert’s district office in Auburn on Tuesday to demand that he vote to increase the minimum wage to at least $10.10 an hour.

The gathering is at noon in Reichert’s office, 2 First St. SE, Auburn. members will be delivering petition signatures from 424 constituents to Reichert.

Public Policy Polling (PPP) also released a new set of polls, commissioned by Political Action, that show a majority of voters in 13 Republican-held House districts, including Reichert’s (8th Congressional) District, support increasing the minimum wage.

“Raising the minimum wage is a commonsense policy that has strong support even in Republican held districts,” said Ilya Sheyman, executive director of Political Action. “Republicans in Congress who are standing the way of pay raises for millions of American workers should be ready to pay at the ballot box in November.”

The local organizer of the event, Jodi Riker, said she decided to plan an event because, “Raising the minimum wage shows that we value hard work. A $10.10/hour minimum wage would directly boost the wages of about 28 million workers, giving them more money to spend, which feeds back into the local economy. Rep. Reichert should immediately vote to increase the minimum wage.”