Clean out your closets: Auburn Mountainview Booster Club hosts clothing, textile drive

The Auburn Mountainview High School Booster Club's clothing and textile drive, Keep Our Kids Safe, is Dec. 6 and 7 in the school's parking lot, 28900 124th Ave. SE, off 132nd.

Reporter staff

The Auburn Mountainview High School Booster Club’s clothing and textile drive, Keep Our Kids Safe, is Dec. 6 and 7 in the school’s parking lot, 28900 124th Ave. SE, off 132nd.

A truck is open for drop-offs between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. each day. Clothing (used, new, stained, torn, single socks, etc), shoes (any condition), towels, blankets, purses, bags, pillows, stuffed animals, and small household items (must be working) will be accepted. Please bring donations bagged or boxed.

The booster club has organized the drive in partnership with Clothes for the Cause, a fundraising company that collects clothes in exchange for cash.

Following the clothing drive, Clothes for the Cause will pick up the donations and provide the booster club with the total of its fundraising effort, measured in dollars per pound.

Donations support the school’s 2015 Grad Night.

The graduating class holds a Grad Night party as a safe place for kids to celebrate after graduation. The kids are picked up at the school the evening of graduation – next spring, on June 13 – and whisked off to a private party. They are returned to the school the next morning. The location and details of the party are kept a secret in order to surprise the kids. Every year there is a different venue and the kids have a great time.

“We are thrilled to be able to help the Auburn Mountainview High School class of 2015 in its time of need,” said Joyce Showalter, event spokesperson. “Clothes for the Cause and Auburn Mountainview High School Booster Club make it easy for everyone in our community to contribute by collecting things, free of charge, that our friends, family and neighbors already have in their houses.”

The Auburn Mountainview Booster Club is an organization that supports, promotes, encourages, fosters and develops interest in all school academics, activities, arts, athletics, clubs and organizations.

For more information, email Tracy Arnold at