I met Wayne Osborne when I moved to Auburn 40 years ago and found him one of the most congenial men I have ever come across.
He gets along with everyone and listens to all opinions with respect. He also does his homework and researches ideas and projects so he knows the subject matter at hand. Then, having made a decision on what action to take, he stands his ground while working with those around him to gain consensus on his views. He is not a “yes” man and doesn’t win all his battles, but everyone is a friend and respects his position when events move on.
Some years ago, Wayne increased his interest in city activities. Since that time, he has attended numerous committee meetings, researching their proposed actions and affecting change when he thought it was called for. He now sits on the Auburn Planning Commission and the Airport Planning Board. He knows the issues affecting our city and has good ideas on what should change and where we should go. As with everything he does, he has prepared himself to sit on the Auburn City Council.
I urge you to give him your vote.
– Dan Shields