Community center? Foolish spending

I wholeheartedly agree with Mark Silberling. There are plenty of meeting/activity places all over Auburn. If such a place were really needed, there is an abundance of empty commercial buildings in Auburn. But we do not need such a place?

I wholeheartedly agree with Mark Silberling. There are plenty of meeting/activity places all over Auburn. If such a place were really needed, there is an abundance of empty commercial buildings in Auburn. But we do not need such a place?

Auburn keeps spending our money in the most foolish ways. For instance, did we really need the metal sculptures of crane flies along Main Street? No one notices them. They are a magnet for graffiti. They do nothing to beautify our city. What we need are replacement/repairs to our streets.

People, if each of you does not take City Hall to task, we will never have a reasonable, responsible administration of our tax dollars, nor will we have a city to be proud of.

– M. Graece