More than 400 people joined KOMO News Chief Weathercaster Steve Pool at the Christian Faith Center in Federal Way on Tuesday for the second annual Reach Out breakfast. The event raised more than $50,000, almost doubling the $26,000 in donations from last year’s breakfast.
“Reach Out continues to be committed to providing opportunities for men and women to get a hand up out of homelessness,” said Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer, who helped Pool in co-sponsoring the breakfast. “The generosity from regional congregations, local businesses, individual donors and volunteers allows Reach Out to make a significant impact in our community.”
Reach Out is a regional program focused on providing shelter, meals and case management services to homeless adults. On average, it costs Reach Out $22 to care for one person for one night.
Within the last year, King County has seen a 6-percent growth in homelessness with 48 percent of those experiencing homelessness in King County being families with children. For low-income families, any number of issues may precipitate becoming homeless – domestic violence, a health emergency, or a job loss.