Feeling more pain from potholes

I recently read the Boy Scout’s letter to the editor (“Save a wheel, fill a pothole,” Auburn Reporter, May 13), and it reminded me to send this letter.

I have lived in Auburn for five years, have traveled on 32nd Avenue North to go to work during those same five years and have yet to see any work done on the potholes, bumps, etc. Not one pothole has been filled, not one part of the surface has been improved.

The area before and after the railroad tracks is so bad, I beleive I have had damage to my car’s shocks, etc. And because the road is used by so many trucks, I often wonder if all those “For Lease” signs might be in part because of this road.

I know dollars are short to do much road improvement, but Auburn seems to have money to put up new buildings downtown and to add beauty to our parks, yet this road (as well as many others in our city) is in great need of some help.

I went on the City of Auburn website, looking for a way to contact the Public Works Department without going to a meeting. But there is no online forum for comments, suggestions.

Thank you for posting my comments.

– Paula Eronson