Metro Transit asks you to ‘test drive’ new version of online home page

Metro Transit is testing a new home page design for its website, and is looking for feedback from the bus-riding community.

Metro Transit is testing a new home page design for its website, and is looking for feedback from the bus-riding community.

Metro is hoping to make it easier for customers to connect with the most-requested information. Not only is Metro working to make the information easier to find, but it is also setting up the website to display better on mobile devices and be more accessible for the visually impaired.

A beta version of the site is now available for review, and Metro has set up a quick survey to collect comments. The redesign can be viewed at

User surveys and visitor reports show that customers use Metro Online primarily for planning trips, finding route schedules, and reading announcements. The redesigned home page highlights those features and organizes other key sources in ways that make the information easy to get to.