What do we really want for our future?

The difference between Claudia Kauffman and Joe Fain is obvious. During the current campaign both candidates have shown clearly how they would conduct their official representation of our interests. Ms. Kauffman says that Joe moved into the district to get elected and that Joe advocates increasing taxes, when neither is true. Joe moved from an apartment within the 47th District to a home in the 47th District he recently purchased. His record supporting low taxes and fiscal integrity speaks for itself. So, why does Kauffman say such things?

This deception is designed to take attention away from Ms. Kauffman’s reckless taxing and spending record. Anyone who actually believes that Ms. Kauffman is suddenly a “fiscal conservative” who stood up to the Governor and her party need only look at her record to see this is not true. One key vote does not cancel out dozens of others. Ms. Kauffman is part of the severe economic problem we must resolve or see devastate our economic futures.

I heard from a previous Kauffman supporter recently who said that since he “hates attack ads on both sides” he is going to vote for Kauffman. Joe Fain has reached out to the voters to find out how he can make things better. Anyone who honestly believes that defending his integrity by pointing out deception on the part of his opponent is an attack, should consider what supporting this exact deception would mean to our state and our communities for the next number of years. My vote for Joe Fain is easy for a great number of reasons, the first of which is his proven honesty.

– Bob Jones