Please reduce our high water bills

Well, I’m on my soap box once again. I’m sure our reader’s out there are looking forward to my next letter.

Well, I’m on my soap box once again. I’m sure our reader’s out there are looking forward to my next letter.

It’s December, not July, and we seem to be in a monsoon season and not in a drought, and yet our water bills are still well above where I think they should be.

It’s not that difficult a fix is it?

Why should it be such a difficult task for our mayor and council to spend less on foolish, unnecessary things, thus saving money and begin reducing the charges to city residents for the water?

I’ve been visiting Arizona a lot lately and they can provide water to its residents for less money where it’s hot and dry than the state of Washington where the water is so plentiful. Doesn’t make sense to me.

In my opinion, this is a situation that needs to be fixed, and sooner rather than later.

– Jeanne Herold