Green River flow to be higher this weekend

If you are going to use the Green River this weekend, watch out.

According to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Seattle District, flows will probably be significantly higher than they have been recently.While the current forecast suggests that flows in the Green River will remain below flood stage, a relatively wet system, combined with spring-time melt will increase local inflows to the river, resulting perhaps in outflows from Howard Hanson Dam in excess of 5,000 cubic feet per second. The Corps is refilling the dam’s reservoir and the pool is at an elevation of 1,152 feet above sea level. The Corps expects to bring the reservoir up to the summer conservation pool elevation of 1,167 feet by mid-June.

The Corps operates the Howard Hanson Dam project, which provides flood damage reduction to the cities of Auburn, Kent, Renton and Tukwila, and low-flow augmentation to the Green River for environmental benefits. More details and history about Howard Hanson Dam and the right abutment issue can be found at: