After reading this article in the Sept. 18 Reporter, I shook my head in disbelief. BD Village Partners wants to build 4,800 new homes in Black Diamond? Does the real estate/housing market recession our economy is still suffering from mean anything to these people?
How many of us have driven, or “crawled” into Orting during afternoon rush hour? Notice the acres of empty, new homes by the road? Notice that what should be a 10-minute drive from the freeway now takes an hour? Or, take a trip to downtown Burien and observe the thousands of square feet of condos and retail space, recently completed and sitting empty.
It’s insanity to build on that scale in Black Diamond, at this time, or ever. The Green Valley Road and Flaming Geyser Park are two of Auburn’s greatest treasures. I don’t live in that area, but I am a longtime resident of Auburn. Just knowing a beautiful, quiet road exists nearby, for walking, biking and site-seeing, makes me grateful.
But I’ll bet if enough of the right pockets are lined, the permits will be issued, regardless of the negative impact it’ll have on Auburn and its residents.
– L. Noble Turner