Auburn observes October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The City of Auburn has scheduled a series of events to observe October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

The City of Auburn has scheduled a series of events to observe October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

The events include:

• Kickoff ceremony: Noon, Friday, Sept. 30, City Hall Plaza, 25 W. Main St. Mayor Pete Lewis to proclaim October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. “Making a Difference” awards to be given to officers and community volunteers. Scheduled speaker to be a survivor of domestic violence.

• Skate to Stop Domestic Violence: 5-7 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 1, Skate Connection, 1825 Howard Road, Auburn. Skating and skate rentals are free; rollerblades $2. Complimentary cake, coffee and lemonade. Donations accepted. Proceeds benefit survivors of domestic violence in Auburn. For more information, call 253-939-2243.

• City Council meeting: 7:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 3, City Hall, 25 W. Main St. City of Auburn Domestic Violence Task Force accepts proclamation from Mayor Lewis.

• Sixth annual Children’s Purple Pumpkin Fun Walk to Stop the Violence: 2 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 22, Roegner Park, 601 Oravetz Road SE. Auburn Domestic Violence Task Force hosting. Entrance fee for 5K is $10 (or donation) for the family. Costume contest. Pets on leashes welcome. Costumes for animals is optional. Proceeds to support survivors of domestic violence. For more information, contact Kim at 253-939-2243 or Shelly at 253-931-3072.


In October 1987, the first Domestic Violence Awareness Month was observed. That same year, the first national toll-free hotline began. In 1989, the first Domestic Violence Awareness Month Commemorative Legislation was passed by the U.S. Congress.