Development proposed for Lea Hill

The City of Auburn received an application March 13 from a Bellevue-based developer to build a mixed-use development over 14.5 acres on Lea Hill.

The City of Auburn received an application March 13 from a Bellevue-based developer to build a mixed-use development over 14.5 acres on Lea Hill.

According to the application, Devco Inc. dba Promenade Apartments LLC, plans to build 320 apartments in several four-story buildings, three-story carriage houses, and a recreational building on six parcels, plus a commercial portion consisting of a minimum of 10,350 square feet — 10 percent of the cumulative ground-floor area — of retail commercial, office or entertainment uses.

According to the City, 130th Avenue Southeast may or may not be extended north-south through the site, at Southeast 312th Street and 132nd Avenue Southeast.

The proposal calls as well for the razing of existing residential structures and accessory structures, site preparation and grading activities, road improvements, construction of parking areas, utilities and landscaping on site.

Devco Inc. LLC has filed an environmental checklist application under the State’s Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), but the City hasn’t made a decision yet on that. Depending on the form any decision takes, there may be an additional public comment period.

The review process for approval of the proposal could include requiring mitigation measures under applicable codes and imposition of mitigation measures, regardless of whether an Environmental Impact Statement is prepared.

The project must obtain all necessary permits or approvals, and these may include: building permits; demolition permits; grading; public facility extensions; utility permits; a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wetland permit; state water quality certification; a general stormwater permit; and hydraulic project approval.

Concerned parties may comment, ask for a copy of the final decision, when available, and ask to be made aware of any appeal rights. Comments must be received in writing by the Auburn Department of Planning and Community Development at 25 W. Main St. before 5 p.m. on March 30.

No public hearing is required for the proposal.