Reform? Send back illegal immigrants

In regards to Debra Harmann's letter ("Immigration reform needed", Reporter, May 2), I wonder where she gets her information or her facts.

In regards to Debra Harmann’s letter (“Immigration reform needed”, Reporter, May 2), I wonder where she gets her information or her facts.

She says that Washington residents overwhelmingly support the passage of comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship. This statement is so wrong it is almost laughable. Ninety percent of the people in Washington do not believe in undocumented laborers, they are illegal aliens. They have entered our country illegally and should be deported as soon as possible. They cost the taxpayer millions of dollars for health care, education and take jobs away from people that will do them regardless of the money they make.

My grandkids would love to work at McDonald’s for minimum wage just for extra spending money while in school, but they are being beat out by the illegals with or without valid papers who will do the job for less. The McDonald’s by their neighborhood is like walking into a Mexican restaurant. I can hardly understand the help when they attempt to take my order.

She goes on to say, “We need real reform that balances border security and a path to citizenship here at home.” I agree with this because we already have these laws, but nobody follows them. If they were being followed, we would not have 12 million illegals in the United States and the federal government wanting to give them amnesty, just for the main reason that they will get reelected with this bigger voting base.

No, it is time to round these illegals up and send them back to their homes and give us our country back, both politically and economically.

– Joseph Jacoby