I have a question. I am too dense to fully understand the front page story, “Council opts for resolution” (May 19, Auburn Reporter).
Though the subtitle of the story read “City welcomes immigrants, but not sanctuary status,” reading the story further gave me a lot of confusion. What kind of immigrants? There are two kinds: the so called illegal aliens and the legal immigrants
Reading on further, I also did not understand what City Attorney Dan Heid said that “the resolution makes it a matter of personnel policy should an employee fall afoul of the rules, not an issue of law. By adopting the ordinance, one effect would be to put City employees at risk of landing in court.”
It was also written that Heid’s office “reworked the resolution … to such an extent that was practically indistinguishable from the ordinance.”
And that “neither contains language specifically prohibiting Auburn Police officers from cooperating with the federal government.”
So, what is City of Auburn then? A sanctuary city or not? What da heck is a “resolution” and what is an “ordinance?” May I have those questions answered and explained in layman’s terms?
I also don’t understand why the Japanese immigrants of World War II were mentioned and compared to the immigrants of today. That was a different era. At that time, the Japanese were America’s enemies. War. We were at war with them.
Last but not least, do illegal immigrants really pay taxes? How? They don’t have valid Social Security numbers connected to their names. If they do have, it says on their cards: “not for employment.”
Also, what did Erandy Flores, the 16-year-old girl posting as an “immigrant” means when she said, “A resolution is full of beautiful intentions, but I need something with a little more power to it?” What kind of power?
These so-called “illegals” who are parents now of growing children had all been offered several times with “amnesties” by several presidents of this country to be citizens. If they haven’t committed a crime and they were willing to pay their “back taxes” and learned the U.S. Constitution, they can get in line, raise their right hands, recite the Pledge of Allegiance … and welcome to the United States of America. Simple as that. But why did most of these illegals choose not to?
Really, is the City of Auburn a sanctuary city or not? Let’s stand up and tell it like it is.
– Jesse Jose