Commander for the Corps of Engineers speaks to community leaders at March’s Good Eggs breakfast.

The March "Good Eggs" breakfast, hosted by King County Councilman Pete von Reichbauer, featured speaking guest Colonel Bruce A. Estok, commander of the Seattle District U.S Army Corps of Engineers.

The March “Good Eggs” breakfast, hosted by King County Councilman Pete von Reichbauer, featured speaking guest Colonel Bruce A. Estok, commander of the Seattle District U.S Army Corps of Engineers.

Estok spoke specifically about the Howard Hanson Dam and how the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has prepared to keep Kent, Auburn, Renton and Tukwila residents safe. The number and severity of flood alerts have risen this early spring due to higher than average rainfall and snow melting down from the mountains.

The dam was damaged in a flood from January of 2009 and ran at only partial capacity until being restored to full capacity in September of 2011.

According to Estok, “All indications are that the new measures will perform as intended to full flood storage capacity.”

So far, the dam has been able to withstand the weight of the Pacific Northwest’s precipitation. This year, the Corps is implementing ways to extend the dam’s durability by stabilizing the bedrock and preventing erosion and debris blocking.