Thank you Backus, Wagner for your work

I want to thank Nancy Backus and Rich Wagner for working immediately following the election to get their signs down and for having a "thank you" in the very next edition of the paper right after the election.

I want to thank Nancy Backus and Rich Wagner for working immediately following the election to get their signs down and for having a “thank you” in the very next edition of the paper right after the election.

While they were the ones who worked hard for our vote – it is nice to be thanked. We thank you, Rich and Nancy, for your service to Auburn. You have both given of yourselves for many years.

Most people don’t realize that a councilperson usually works a full-time job and then works “full time” for the council, often putting in another 20-plus hours a week, all the while trying to make sure their family doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.

We are honored by your sacrifice and will be honored to have you working for us another four years.

– Arlen Franklin