Taking pride in a worthy purchase

I recently had an opportunity to talk to a VRFA firefighter about the new ladder truck. I was struck by several comments he made, but the most important aspect of the conversation was the pride he had in getting a state-of-the-art ladder truck at such a good price.

I recently had an opportunity to talk to a VRFA firefighter about the new ladder truck. I was struck by several comments he made, but the most important aspect of the conversation was the pride he had in getting a state-of-the-art ladder truck at such a good price.

This firefighter talked about the spec-ing process used to make sure it had everything that was needed for the residents and types of businesses in our communities, now and the future. He spoke at length about how every inch of this truck was utilized, from turning space under the steps into storage drawers, to having multiple accesses for hose. It has electronics that are unbelievable and well-thought-out lighting to allow the firefighters to see to operate in the dark.

This firefighter’s every word, every look, every wave of his hand at the truck, showed his pride in having a state-of-the-art piece of equipment for his community. This truck is so unique that it can be used as an example of the creativity, imagination and cooperation used by this department to keep costs within budget.

This firefighter said the committee working on the criteria was cognizant of the State of Washington licensing costs for vehicle weights and the need for yearly license fees if the weight was above a certain threshold. This group made sure the truck was well below that threshold, so when all the standard equipment was put on the truck, it would not cross that magical line and require extra fees each year. These firefighters knew those additional yearly fees would reduce the available funds for other needs of the citizens of Algona, Auburn and Pacific served by the VRFA.

If you take the time to talk to any of the firefighters at VRFA about the new ladder truck, I think you too will understand that it is not an unneeded, expensive toy but a well thought out and useful purchase for the good of our communities, and I repeat, now and in the future.

– Jessie Clark