Moms, kids and Sen. Fain celebrate successful paid family and medical leave legislation

Families thank lawmakers for recent bipartisan victory

For the Reporter

Moms, dads, children and family members gathered with state Sen. Joe Fain, R-Auburn, at Green River College on Sunday to celebrate the recent passage of paid family and medical leave in the Legislature.

Under the new law, starting in January 2020, Washington workers will be eligible for up to 16 weeks of paid leave to welcome a new child, care for a sick family member, or to recover from their own serious medical condition.

“This is a mom-entous victory for Washington families,” said Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, CEO and co-founder of MomsRising, a grassroots organization with 40,000 members in Washington who worked closely on the legislation. “This best-in-nation program will boost families, small businesses and our local economies. It is a historic win for Washington families and we are here to say thank you to the legislators who made it possible.”

To celebrate, families enjoyed an afternoon of free food, entertainment and dancing with a live kids band, and had the opportunity to thank Fain for his work on paid leave. MomsRising staff also was on-hand to share information and resources about how the new paid family and medical leave program will work.

Sen. Joe Fain, standing with his son, Moxon, joins families for the celebration at Green River College on Sunday. COURTESY PHOTO, MomsRising

Sen. Joe Fain, standing with his son, Moxon, joins families for the celebration at Green River College on Sunday. COURTESY PHOTO, MomsRising