A public meeting to provide information about flood safety and developments related to the Howard Hanson Dam operations on the Green River will take place Tuesday, March 31 in Auburn.
Sponsored by King County and the King County Flood Control District in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the meeting is set for 6-8 p.m. in the Lindbloom Student Center on the main campus of Green River Community College, 12401 S.E. 320th St., Auburn.
In February, the Corps announced that storage capacity at the dam would be temporarily restricted until engineers could evaluate damage to the right abutment of the flood-storage facility that was discovered following the January 2009 flooding.
While the Corps asserts that there is no immediate danger to people and property below the dam, an increased risk of flooding to the Green River Valley below the dam is possible in the event of a major rainstorm or significant snowmelt because of the limited storage capacity.
“Protecting lives and property is our number-one priority,” said King County Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer, supervisor of the Flood District Board, whose council district represents Auburn. “We are coordinating with the Corps and local jurisdictions to ensure that effective plans are in place and residents and businesses have access to information necessary to prepare for a flood event.”
People attending this meeting may learn more about:
·Dam operations and potential impacts to them and their property;
·What is being done in King County to respond to any possible impacts; and
·Resources available to you, plus ways you can help protect yourself and your property against flood risks.
The meeting will include an open house from 6 to 6:30 p.m., followed by presentations from 6:30-7:30 p.m., then close with a question-and-answer session from 7:30-8 p.m. Staff from the Corps, King County Emergency Coordination Center and the King County Flood Warning Center will make presentations.
More details and history about the Howard Hanson Dam issue, including aerial photos of the dam, can be found at http://www.nws.usace.army.mil.
For more information about how King County and the King County Flood Control District are preparing for and responding to the Howard Hanson Dam situation and for flood planning links to affected cities visit www.kingcounty.gov/floodplans, or www.kingcountyfloodcontrol.org.
More information is available by calling Katy Vanderpool, at 206-296-8362, or katy.vanderpool@kingcounty.gov. Directions to Green River Community College are available at http://www.greenriver.edu/about/campus/directions/