In Bonnie Lawlor’s letter (What do patriotism, freedom mean?” Reporter, March 16), she claimed the “conservatives” changed the term “global warming” to “climate change.” Fact is, it was “progressives” who changed it when it was found that global temperatures have been steady or even declining over the past 15, 20 or 100 years.
She also claims that this climate change has caused “bigger storms” and “more fires.” Would not bigger storms put out the fires? She claims “droughts” and “more moisture.” Does not more moisture eliminate droughts? She claims “more heat” and “severe cold and blizzards.” Everything blamed on “climate change” and Republicans.
Please. It would be nice if she could make up her mind. Can climate change cause more drought and more moisture; more heat and more cold; more fires and more rain? All of this due to increased CO2.
Remember CO2 is absorbed by plants which then produce oxygen which we all need to breath. The internal combustion engine (the source of a lot of CO2, along with bovine flatulence) has benefited and enriched humans probably more than any other non-medical discovery. The U.S. is constantly reducing emissions, more than any other country.
– Brent Benson