My Wedding My Way showcase comes to GRCC on Saturday

Are you planning a wedding that is DIY, offbeat, funky, or just the traditional with a little twist? Looking for some inspiration?

For the Reporter

Are you planning a wedding that is DIY, offbeat, funky, or just the traditional with a little twist? Looking for some inspiration?

More than 40 local vendors are scheduled to attend My Wedding My Way, a wedding show at Green River Community College’s main Auburn campus on Saturday, March 8.

The show runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Lindbloom Student Center, 12401 SE 320th St., Auburn

The third annual event showcases traditional and innovative wedding professionals from throughout the South Puget Sound region. The show features local venues, photographers, cake design, decorating specialists and other wedding professionals.

The day includes fashion shows, live performances, as well as getting some helpful advice from the professionals.

Parking and admission is free.

For more information, contact: Patty Sherman at 253-333-6012 or Show information also is available on Facebook and on the Web.