Brighter side of Trump

I agreed with much of a previous letter writer telling us how horrible President Donald Trump is, but the writer is so hung up on Trump hate, he forgot to look at the brighter side of life.

Trump’s policies have led to tax cuts for some folks, like me. His elimination of excessive environmental regulations and red tape has allowed businesses to thrive and created better energy independence.

The stock market is up, the economy is good. He helped kill the tax penalty for middle class people being forced to pay $1,000 a month or more for crappy unsubsidized insurance, while the poor got free Obamacare.

He supports enforcing our existing immigration laws, so we won’t be overrun by unskilled workers who will strain our social safety net.

He supported qualified judges with actual experience to interpret our laws, as opposed to our previous president who appointed Elena Kagan, who had never tried a case in her life. Achieve diversity by hiring the unqualified.

He got us out of the Paris climate accord where the U.S. sacrificed to go green while China and India could continue polluting for years.

He put NATO on notice to pay their dues . While we pay 3.6 percent of the GDP, other countries don’t even pay their 2 percent obligation. Only five of 28 countries are paid up.

Of course, there are always two sides to Trump. I will concede that he is rude. He’s a big meany and he hurt my delicate little feelings, but I’ll get over it.

Things look a little brighter if you move beyond hatred and Trump Derangement Syndrome.

– Dennis Doucette