Washington State Department of Health officials confirm two new cases of severe pulmonary disease linked to vaping. These cases were identified by the Spokane Regional Health District and are both living in Spokane County.
“The symptoms of these patients match what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have asked all state and local health jurisdictions to be on the lookout for in regards to the nationwide investigation into this matter,” said Washington State Health Officer Kathy Lofy. “This is now a state-wide outbreak.”
The Spokane Regional Health District reports 2 new confirmed cases are a patient in their teens and a patient in their twenties. There are now three confirmed cases in Washington. All three confirmed cases reported vaping prior to illness but to date we have not identified a product, device or additive that are common to all three cases. Investigations into the specifics of products, device and additives are ongoing.
While the CDC investigation is ongoing and has not identified a definitive cause, all reported cases have a history of using vaping devices.
In August, the Centers for the Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration launched a multi-state investigation regarding an outbreak of severe lung disease associated with using vaping devices/e-cigarette products.
State health official continue to urge clinicians to report any known hospitalized cases of severe lung disease associated with vaping to their local health department.
“We will continue to update the public on the status of the investigation and steps they can take to protect their health,” Lofy said.
The Department of Health will update confirmed cases on their website as facts become available.
For more detailed information on the federal investigation, please refer to the CDC web page regarding the matter.