The University of Washington’s 136th commencement ceremony is 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Husky Stadium.
For more details, please visit
Students from the Auburn area who will graduate this weekend (with degrees):
Dana N. Abdulaziz, bachelor of arts (politics, philosophy and economics)
Rebecca Michelle Adams, bachelor of arts (psychology)
Cory James Albrecht, bachelor of arts (psychology)
Brookneh W. Alemayehu, bachelor of science (information technology)
Daniel Joseph Arroyo, bachelor of arts (politics, philosophy and economics)
Holland Kenneth Avery, bachelor of arts (political science)
Holland Kenneth Avery, bachelor of arts (international studies: Europe)
Cory Dean Bantam, bachelor of science (chemistry)
Cory Dean Bantam, bachelor of science (oceanography)
Eric Lorenz Barone, bachelor of science (computer science and systems)
Lee Bragg, bachelor of science in electrical engineering
Cheryl Lisa Carino-Burr, bachelor of arts (interdisciplinary arts & sciences)
Elissa Jeane Carlisto, bachelor of arts (psychology)
Donelle Maggerise Chandler, bachelor of science in nursing
Andrea Hyojeen Chang bachelor of arts (psychology)
Alexandra Elizabeth Chapman, bachelor of arts (political science)
Mihyun Cho, bachelor of arts (interdisciplinary visual arts)
Carrie May Christensen, bachelor of arts (interdisciplinary visual arts)
Sae Young Chung, bachelor of science in industrial engineering
Ciara Jean Clemons, bachelor of science (speech & hearing sciences)
Ron Van Co, bachelor of science (information technology)
Lisa C. Connors, bachelor of arts (interdisciplinary arts & sciences)
Karen Leslie Crampton, bachelor of arts (psychology)
Danielle Marie Dahlquist, bachelor of science (environmental science)
Yana Danilchuk, bachelor of arts in business administration (finance)
Robert Rees Davies, bachelor of arts (near Eastern studies: lang & civ)
Timothy David Deas, bachelor of science (information technology)
Victoria Dell, bachelor of arts in business administration (management)
Kimberly Margaret Dennett, bachelor of science (environmental science)
Joshua James Dill, bachelor of arts (political science)
Theodore Doll, bachelor of science (computer engineering and systems)
Theodore Doll, bachelor of science (computing & software systems)
Kamil Thomas Dziewulak, bachelor of arts in business administration (management)
Scottie Loree Ellis, bachelor of arts (urban studies)
Jimmy Faizal, bachelor of science (computing & software systems)
Laura Michelle Feet, bachelor of arts (interdisciplinary arts & sciences)
Donald Taylor Fleming, bachelor of science in industrial engineering
Vladimir Godunok, bachelor of arts in business administration (finance)
Seth Joon Kim Goodrich, bachelor of science (biology: physiology)
Ian Robert Gregg, bachelor of science in chemical engineering
Seth Martin Grisham, bachelor of science (individualized studies)
Benjamin A. Grose, bachelor of science in aeronautical & astronautical engineering
Oleg Gudzyuk, bachelor of arts in business administration (finance)
Michele L. Heine, bachelor of arts (health care leadership)
Sierra S. Henderson, bachelor of arts in business administration
Andy Stevenson Herman, bachelor of science (microbiology)
Giulia Nicole Heuring, bachelor of arts in business administration
Hanna Christine Hiibel, bachelor of arts (art history)
Ronnie L. Hill, bachelor of arts (interdisciplinary arts & sciences)
William Connelly Holdsworth, bachelor of arts (history)
Shane T. Homan, bachelor of arts (computer science and systems)
Kristopher Thomas Hughes, bachelor of arts (sociology)
Kristina Huynh, bachelor of science in bioengineering
Kyle Patrick Johnson, bachelor of arts (psychology)
Katie Lea Justice, bachelor of arts (interdisciplinary arts & sciences)
Victoria Michelle Karout, bachelor of science (environmental science)
Pavel N. Kazakov, bachelor of science (computing & software systems)
Jessica Marie Kerr, bachelor of arts (comparative religion)
Amrinderpal Singh Khinda, bachelor of arts (international studies: asia; political science)
Yuliya Khryukin, bachelor of arts in business administration (accounting)
Elliot Li Kiefer, bachelor of science (computer science and systems)
Jeffery Woong Ko, bachelor of arts (architectural studies)
Nicole Kathleen Kupfer, bachelor of arts (psychology)
Matthew John Lauren, bachelor of science (computer science)
Vu Hien Le, bachelor of science (biology: physiology)
Hanna Lee, bachelor of arts (economics; sociology)
Jennifer Bautista Llarenas, bachelor of arts (psychology)
Jessica Mendoza Llarenas, bachelor of arts in business administration (inform systems)
Braden N. Luke, bachelor of science (computer science and systems)
Ruslan Sergeyevich Maksimenko, bachelor of science in civil engineering
Nick Sathya-Thon Malai, bachelor of science (biology: molec, cell & development)
Brendan Flynn McDavid, bachelor of arts (history)
Joseph J. Melin, bachelor of science in nursing
Chinagorom Clara Momoh, bachelor of science in nursing
Jerry Alan Jr. Moriarty, bachelor of arts (economics)
Cameron M. Neblett, bachelor of science (computer science and systems)
Ha Son Nguyen, bachelor of arts in business administration (marketing)
Victoria Ijeoma Odoh, bachelor of science in nursing
Helen N. Petrov, bachelor of science (psychology)
Carleen J. Pollard, bachelor of arts in business administration (accounting)
Eugeny Polupan, bachelor of arts (history)
Greta Christine Ramsay, bachelor of arts (English)
David Stuart Rief, bachelor of arts (history)
Lindsay Ann Rogers, bachelor of arts in business administration (finance)
Lindsay Ann Rogers, bachelor of arts (economics)
Troy Merle Savisky, bachelor of arts in business administration (acctg; inf sys)
Vishesh Vikranth Shankar, bachelor of arts (economics; math)
Joseph Nielsen Sternard, bachelor of science (prosthetics & orthotics)
Kevin Quoc Tran, bachelor of science (biology: physiology)
Vi Thi Tran, bachelor of arts (sociology)
Liliya Veniaminovna Tysyachuk, bachelor of arts (sociology)
Heather Parbo Ulit, bachelor of science in health informatics & health information management
Rachel Christine Van Rijn, bachelor of arts (psychology)
Gurjot Kaur Virk, bachelor of arts (sociology)
Michele L. Ward, bachelor of arts in business administration
Trevor W. Weimer, bachelor of arts (interdisciplinary arts & sciences)
Scott William Wilson, bachelor of arts (political science)
Hing Yon, bachelor of science (information technology)
Yi Zheng, bachelor of arts in business administration (finance)
Yi Zheng, bachelor of science in construction management
Nick Aaron Sr. Zielinski, bachelor of arts (English)