Oh, baby! Newborn animals take center stage at the fair

The Washington State Fair in Puyallup is bursting at the seams with new and exciting features, and that includes baby animals.

The Washington State Fair in Puyallup is bursting at the seams with new and exciting features, and that includes baby animals.

The barns at the fair, going on now through Sunday, are bringing out the cutest newborn critters.

Piglet Palace:

Every year the Howard Young Family brings sows to the fair with one due to deliver at the beginning of the Fair and one in the middle. The pregnancy period for each sow varies, but generally it takes three months, three weeks, and three days for the piglets to enter the world.

Spider, one of the piglets from last year, took the lead delivering her piglets in time for the start of this year’s fair. Spider was the only female in her litter last year, and also delivered only one female in her own litter. Perhaps she will be next year’s sow? They are going home today to make room for the Lonny and her delivery.

Lanny, a 1½-year-old cross-bred sow, delivered her litter on Sept. 11, between 8:30 p.m. and midnight. Eleven piglets made their debut at the fair the following day. All of the piglets are pure pink, with no spots to be found. This is Lanny’s second litter.

Lonny (Lanny’s sister) is also 1½ years old, and this will be her second littler. This cross-bred sow is slated to deliver today.

Dairy Cattle Barn:

Twitter, a dairy cow delivered her calf last night (Sept. 16) at 7:30. Her little bundle of joy is a 100-pound calf. Since the calf is so shy, owner Samantha Rhodes will be taking them home to Chehalis tonight.

Fair Farm:

One visit to the Fair Farm, and you’ll find baby animals of every color, shape and style. You’ll find bunnies, goats, and much more. You can also see chicks pecking at their shell to hatch.

For more info about the fair, visit www.thefair.com, or text “FAIR” to 87767.