On a recent MSNBC’s “Hardball,” host Chris Matthews implied that conservatives are outraged over TSA friskings just to hurt Obama politically.
“Matthews: … Generally speaking, the American right wing is pretty tough on law … if a cop wants to stop a guy and frisk him, you’ve never had a problem with that … Ever. Now you have a problem with people being scanned on airplanes. Why is there a big difference?”
Not so fast, Chris. The TSA frisking outrage came from the public, not the “right wing” and conservatives have big problems with random frisking, so skip the straw-man-argument.
The difference is “probable cause.” No cop has authority to frisk everyone he meets. The Constitution protects us against unreasonable search and seizure. Got it?
Truth is: most passengers aren’t terrorists; we must scrutinize all suspicious individuals; terrorists will outsmart stupid policies; and race baiting doesn’t make air travel safe.
Newscasters falsely label Tea Partiers as racists; and why would they play the race card? Could it be that casting “Tea Partiers” and people they dislike as racists is just an attempt at diverting attention from failed left-wing policies? You betcha.
White people historically elect our first black president, and suddenly we are a more racist nation. That doesn’t make sense. It’s time to leave race out of the discussion and start protecting innocent lives from evil terrorists.
If Chris Matthews doesn’t want to be involved in an adult discussion, let’s move on without him.
– Ken Morse