In case you haven’t noticed in your City of Auburn utility bill, rates are going up effective June 1. My, my what a surprise.
My current utility bill came to $88.64 for one month. I, for one, am appalled at the high cost of water. My last two months water consumption was lower then it had been all year, and yet my bill is significantly higher. I want to know why.
OK, Mr. Mayor are you gouging us residents in order to recoup your losses because of the road bond failure? Or is it for you and your council to have extra money so you can travel all over the place on the taxpayers’ money?
I think it’s time we got some answers, and it’s time we got someone to replace Pete. It’s time we got someone that knows how to manage money and run a city.
In case you all haven’t noticed, the City of Auburn is crumbling. Every other business on Main Street is closing and moving out. What is really going on?
We need to get a petition going for a “no confidence” vote against Pete Lewis. Get him out of office and get someone in there that can take care of business. Maybe then Pete can incorporate Lakeland Hills as its own little city and run for mayor there.
– Jeanne Herold