Grant allows new signalized pedestrian crossing on Auburn Way North

The City of Auburn received a $325,000 Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Grant from the Washington State Department of Transportation to install a new pedestrian crossing located on Auburn Way North near 42nd Street.

The new crossing signal was turned on this week. The new crossing signal provides a safe alternative to a mid-block crossing on a 5-lane roadway where traffic often travels at high speeds and several turning hazards from multiple driveways are in the vicinity. The signal design ensures a safe and comfortable crossing experience for the pedestrian while keeping traffic disruption to a minimum.

The crossing is ADA accessible. A new or relocated Metro bus stop will be installed near the new signalized crossing, encouraging transit riders to utilize the new facility. As part of the project, additional pedestrian education and enforcement activities will take place over the summer.

The Auburn Police Department will be conducting increased enforcement, encouraging pedestrians to cross at safe and legal crossings and informing drivers of their obligation to yield to pedestrians at all intersections and marked mid-block crosswalks.

It is expected the increased enforcement and education will help make the crossing more effective and deter most pedestrians from crossing at an uncontrolled location at mid-block.

For more information, contact the City of Auburn Public Works Department at 253-931-3010 or the Auburn Police Department at 253-931-3080.


The crossing allows pedestrians to push a series of buttons to stop vehicular traffic. When desiring to cross the street, pedestrians should push the button located on the curb, stopping traffic in the direction nearest to them. They may then proceed across the first two travel lanes to the protected pedestrian island located in the middle of the intersection. A second button located in the island enables pedestrians to trigger a signal that will stop traffic in the opposite direction. Once traffic has stopped, pedestrians may safely continue across the street.