The City of Auburn is accepting comments on the draft 2009 Stormwater Management Program. Written comments must be received by close of business on March 16.
There will be a public hearing at the March 16 City Council meeting where public comments also will be accepted. Written comments can be sent to the Water Quality Programs Coordinator, Department of Public Works, 25 West Main, Auburn, WA 98001.
The permit, which became effective Feb. 16, 2007, authorizes the discharge of stormwater to surface and ground waters from Auburn’s storm drainage system. Requirements of the Permit include the development and annual update of a Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) which details the actions and activities to be implemented by the City in order to reduce the discharge of pollutants.
The SWMP is to include measures related to Public Education and Outreach, Public Involvement and Participation, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Controlling Runoff from New Development, Redevelopment and Construction Sites, and Pollution Prevention and Operation and Maintenance for Municipal Operations. The Permit lists specific actions and methods that the City must implement through the SWMP.
The City was issued a municipal stormwater permit by the Washington State Department of Ecology in compliance with the provisions of the State of Washington Water Pollution Control Law and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (The Clean Water Act). The Phase II Western Washington Municipal Stormwater Permit is available at the Department of Ecology website.