Young cyclists get the right fit, some guidance

Activities included bike safety education, obstacle courses and bike helmet checks presented by the City of Auburn Police Department and Valley Regional Fire Authority.

Rainier Middle School hosted a community-wide bike rodeo event last Friday.

Activities included bike safety education, obstacle courses and bike helmet checks presented by the City of Auburn Police Department and Valley Regional Fire Authority.

There were free bike helmets and free barbecue lunches for all participants.

The bike rodeo promoted bicycle safety and encouraged all children who live in the designated safe walking areas of Auburn schools to ride or walk to school in the 2013-14 school year.

The school district and the City were awarded a $398,500 WSDOT Safe Routes to Schools grant. The grant funding will provide resources to improve safe walking and cycling routes in Auburn’s Lea Hill community and aims at increasing the number of students who ride and walk to and from school.