The looming transportation crisis, made even more evident by Boeing’s needs recently stated to the governor, is much more complicated than you might think.
For years the Board of Sound Transit has relied on overloaded city streets and parking lots to carry the ever-increasing burden of transit riders. From one end of the Sound to the other, evidence is gathering that change is coming, and Sound Transit is woefully behind.
Thousands of Auburn’s high school seniors will receive their diplomas as their families and loved ones look on with pride this weekend. Some of these students and their families had dreams of going to college, but financially cannot afford it. So instead, they will face the economy’s uncertain job market.
We’ve heard about the massive cutbacks in the federal budget and even perhaps the end of the national health plan. The stimulus money was sent to the state, and that money is gone. We are still left with a huge state deficit that will demand larger cuts than have been seen in generations.