It is well established that South King County has a critical shortage of affordable housing.
As readers of this column may know by now, I am a terminal cancer patient.
Speech covers public safety, infrastructure, growth and homelessness.
In last week’s Whale’s Tales, I criticized the present administration in Washington, D.C. — not for its goals, but for…
Don Stevenson, known as “The Pacin’ Parson,” dies at age 89.
Auburn City Council has 90 days to fill the vacant seat.
Its owner, Segale Properties LLC, has announced plans to close the mining operation in 2026 or 2027 and redevelop the land.
In a series of rules that Wile E. Coyote’s creator, Chuck Jones, laid down in 1948 to guide Warner Brothers’…
Just last week, walking along Auburn’s East Main Street, I felt the past and its people all around me.
AVHS board did not deny any allegations related to facility’s director.
“We’re a bit different,” Brugger said.
None of us looking at what’s happening in the world sees things exactly as the next guy does.
I’ve written a lot about English here, so I can only hope I haven’t made a butt of myself rattling…
The year 2025 is shaping up to be just as busy as the last.
The properties are part of the Copper Creek Open Space Property, which Auburn annexed from Kent as the Bridges development in 2023.
So many of my father’s advices, as he actually said them, I did not take.
An Auburn staple, Trotter’s is in need of funds for much needed repairs to the building.
City officials say this revision is necessary not only to accurately identify and prescribe the burden of proof in an appeal of a dangerous dog determination, but also to protect dog owners’ rights to due process.
These should not be partisan issues, but that’s what they’ve become.
Safe Auburn: Community Conversations Part 2 coming to four sites in January.
For most of my life, that’s how I felt about myself.
It stuns me how often we are guilty of doing the very thing we complain about and despise in others when they do it, but excuse it in ourselves.