Sam’s Club presented $3,000 to Auburn-area charities at a Monday morning ceremony at its Auburn SuperMall store.
Sam’s Club presented $1,000 to the Algona/Pacific Food Pantry under the guidance of the New Hope Lutheran Church. The store also awarded a $1,000 donation to ACAP Child & Family Services, while the store’s associate volunteers grant of $1,000 went to the American Cancer Society’s “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” campaign.
Among those present at the ceremony were, pictured from left, back row: John Fehmel, Sam’s Club hard lines assistant manager; Mike Conners, store manager; Oliver Taamu, overnight manager; and Toni Dolloff, membership marketing manager; front row, from left: Becky Crocker, community relationship manager for the American Cancer Society; Mark Gause, director of the Algona/Pacific Food Pantry; and Largo Wales, executive director of ACAP Child & Family Services.