Animal control is out of control

When are the people in Washington state going to wake up? Animal control is so far behind in common sense.

When are the people in Washington state going to wake up? Animal control is so far behind in common sense.

They want to go into your pet’s private records to cross reference and see if you’ve purchased a license for your animal by seeing if your animal has had a rabies shot. People are going to resist by not vaccinating their animals.

Another example is when I wanted to be a responsible pet owner and purchase a license for my new pup. A normal fee would be $30 if your animal was spay or neutered. They want to extort $60 from me if she is not spayed. You must show them your animal’s record or you pay the higher price.

This is the third female Irish Setter I have owned, and I have never had a litter of pups. I’m being penalized for other peoples’ poor judgments. Whatever became of innocent until proven guilty? This is why they only have 25 percent of the people registering their animals.

I am in the system now, so I will probably have to pay the ransom. If I get another dog down the road, I will not get a license. Once you’re in the government system, you are a piece of meat, and they are the leeches.

It should be one fee. Penalize the people who are irresponsible. The government doesn’t work for us. We work for the government. They used to call that slavery when you worked for the man. Now they call it taxes or usage fees.

– Daniel Van Devender