Be smart, stay safe around the water

I was glad to see the letter from the Sheriff's office reminding people to wear life jackets (PFDs) while on or near the water. But I need to make one small correction.

I was glad to see the letter from the Sheriff’s office reminding people to wear life jackets (PFDs) while on or near the water. But I need to make one small correction.

As a whitewater raft guide and a swift-water rescue technician, I need to say that the recent death on the Green River may have been a result of not properly wearing his life jacket.

It’s not enough to wear a life jacket, one has to wear it properly. If the life jacket is loose enough to be pulled off over one’s head, it could be useless.

Check your own jacket, your children’s jackets and everyone in your boat. The life jacket must be tightened firmly on the body in order to function. You should be able to lift up the wearer by the shoulders of the jacket, especially in swift water.

Be safe. Wear your life jacket, and wear it correctly.

– Suzan Bobette