When the City took upon itself to place the giant sandbags that supposedly were necessary due to the unsubstantiated fear of the dam being compromised, we went along with the news and the mass hysteria they created and allowed the sandbags to be placed on property by our home.
We have never flooded and were out of the flood plain, but were told these were necessary.
For two years, we have been in danger since the bags were placed to the edge of the road. When we back out of our driveway, we cannot see the oncoming traffic. Several near misses have made us more than nervous.
We have contacted the city about removing the three bags that are at the edge of road. We have been told that they will not remove these because there is no money for the removal, and they need to wait until the King County Council can meet to see if they can help with funding the removal.
In the meantime, we and the public are at risk.
Should a car slide off the road or leave the road at high speed – which has happened already at this exact location, taking out our fence – the taxpayers would no doubt be paying even more money when the lawsuit for this accident is pursued.
We just asked for their help to make our driveway safe, but apparently we need to have an “emergency” before we will be heard.
– Delite Morris