In response to the letter by Bill Peloza about the Auburn International Farmers Market (“Meager market, shame on you”, Reporter, Sept. 21), it sounded to me like another political partial truth we read or hear so much about lately.
As far as the AIFM being 12th best in the United States? I don’t think so. I went on the Web, and the only one listed in Washington state was the University District in Seattle.
The statement about being one of the top 5 favorites in Washington state? I’m not sure who even knew about voting for that, but I did see there were a total of 32 votes for the AIFM. I suspect those votes were made by the market volunteers and the City Council.
I visited the market probably three times this year and yes, I was disappointed and did not make a purchase. Maybe I just picked the wrong days to go.
It did not appear to me that there were more vendors or people attending it than last year.
I hope in the future it does better but it will not be on my list to attend.
– Becky Prenovost