Dear World, it is a concern and a misfortune for those who have to unwillingly suffer from any form of mental illness.
It is even a bigger misfortune that the majority of society seems to refuse to take the time to learn of these issues and accept people as individuals. It seems they would rather dismiss a person and cast them aside into loneliness instead of having compassion and understanding.
Far too many lack the proper education that would benefit them in humanity and allow them to be nonjudgmental and more accepting of others who suffer. Unfortunately, the news doesn’t make things any easier when they have reports of certain individuals who do cause harm to others due to improper care, lack of insurance, and misdiagnosed disorders.
World, we all need to come together and raise awareness so people will be less afraid and become more understanding. Part of it is to have a better health care system. Sadly, the majority who suffer cannot afford the insurance they need in order to be well and function in society. Those individuals will continue to suffer and deteriorate. This affects the well-being of society as a whole.
Please remember that these individuals did not ask to be ill, nor do they want or deserve to suffer. It is very lonely out there already. Why should society continue to be misinformed and discriminate against those who try to reach out, just to be rejected?
We all have a heart, and we all need love. We are all in this world together. It is time to be enlightened.
I am a sufferer of manic depression and PTSD, and I know all too well the loneliness that comes with it.
Please World, show some compassion, and help out our own mankind, regardless of who they are.
– Laura A. Hyatt