Fed up with City’s approach

Thank you Mr. York (April 20 letters to editor) for the well-written observations with regard to the apparent bias that the Auburn Reporter has toward the City of Auburn.

Thank you Mr. York (April 20 letters to editor) for the well-written observations with regard to the apparent bias that the Auburn Reporter has toward the City of Auburn.

Also noted are all of the other letters in the same issue from taxpayers who are so fed up with the direction this City has taken. I think that there is an urgent need for more citizen involvement in the affairs of our community.

I would like to add some observations with regard to comments and actions from City managers. The pathetic excuses and acts of concern for public safety and quality of life have become mind-numbingly tedious. In the frantic effort to “expand the tax base,” look at the state of downtown. Much less than I imagined.

Voters, this is what you get when you vote for a former banker to be your mayor whose only concern and skill are to extract more money out of you by any and all means that are legally possible, which is much more than you ever imagined.

– William Riedel