Robert Whale’s article (“City’s red-light photo enforcement running in the red – and working,” Auburn Reporter, Feb. 17) made me want to speak up.
I, for one, wish there were more of them in Auburn, especially at the Auburn Way South and Dogwood intersections. I have witnessed, at numerous times, a total disregard by drivers blatantly running the red light there, sometimes even with a cell phone next to their ear or texting.
Not only have I witnessed speeding passenger cars, but I’ve seen semi trucks, loaded gravel trucks and even a school bus enter the intersections long after the light has changed to red. This happens frequently throughout the day and night.
I have brought this up with Mayor Pete Lewis numerous times in the last two years, and nothing has been done about it. I realize that it is costly for Auburn to have this program, but at this point do you put that ahead of public safety?
The City knows the cameras are serving their purpose as ticketing has gone down at the intersections that have the cameras. Once someone is ticketed running a light, they are going to be more aware and, for the most part, adjust their driving habits.
I’m sure that it would be more cost effective to have a camera at the Dogwood intersection than a special traffic officer monitoring the intersection 24/7.
Even if it were more expensive to have the camera, public safety and a human life are worth more.
– George Rottle