Keep Auburn moving, vote yes on road bond

My family and I are longtime Auburn residents and are proud of the city's heritage and traditions. From our schools to our service clubs, the city's residents have always come together to help the city's future as a community.

My family and I are longtime Auburn residents and are proud of the city’s heritage and traditions. From our schools to our service clubs, the city’s residents have always come together to help the city’s future as a community.

On April 17, a choice about Auburn’s future is again going before the voters. I urge you to vote yes for the road construction and modernization bond.

Business owners will be paying for 67 percent of the cost of the road project and residents will contribute the remaining 33 percent. Putting the issue to a vote allows everyone in the community to have a say in the project. It makes the project transparent and keeps our elected officials accountable.

Building on the success of the Save Our Streets levy we passed several years ago for residential streets, this issue addresses the need to repair our arterial streets.

There is no free lunch here, nor is there any magic pot of gold at the end of the rainbow from the federal, state or county government for the maintenance of local roads. This is a decision by and for our community. This vote will support an investment of our own money into our own local roads.

The degrading quality of our roads and arterials impedes the safe and efficient movement of families, goods and services.

Borrowing and construction costs won’t be any cheaper than they are now. As a partnership with business and residents, this bond is affordable, fair and timely. The needed work also will start to improve our community’s access right away.

Join me in voting yes on April 17.

– Fred Poe