Keep traffic safety cameras rolling

We are writing in response to the recent media coverage of traffic safety cameras in the area to express our support for this life-saving technology. Throughout the country, traffic safety cameras deter red light running, slow traffic on our streets and save lives.

We are writing in response to the recent media coverage of traffic safety cameras in the area to express our support for this life-saving technology. Throughout the country, traffic safety cameras deter red light running, slow traffic on our streets and save lives.

Our passion for traffic safety stems from the deep heart-felt sorrow and pain experienced in 2002 when our daughter, Sarah, was killed by a man who ran a red light and crashed into her car. We believe her death and the 30,000 deaths from fatal crashes every year should be a call to action for all Americans. Too often, the media creates the perception that it is permissible to run red lights or speed through our streets with no concern for recourse, when we as a society, should be fighting for the exact opposite.

Traffic safety cameras are tools used by law enforcement officials to deter people from speeding and running red lights, which is why we have joined with law enforcement and safety advocates across the state in supporting this life-saving technology.

The use of these cameras sends a clear message: there is no excuse for disregarding traffic safety laws. If you do, you will be held accountable for putting yourself and others at risk. We welcome any technology that will keep people safe and prevent more tragic losses for our family and families across the country.

– Paul and Sue Oberhauser, co-chairs, Traffic Safety Coalition