Matter of being positive

I am very familiar with the politics going on at our City Council meetings with Mayor Pete Lewis and Frank Lonergan and Virginia Haugen. It seems Lewis has accused them of being too negative. But the fact remains, that if Pete would give them some positive outlook on the economy as it stands in Auburn, they would have a more positive attitude toward him.

I am very familiar with the politics going on at our City Council meetings with Mayor Pete Lewis and Frank Lonergan and Virginia Haugen. It seems Lewis has accused them of being too negative. But the fact remains, that if Pete would give them some positive outlook on the economy as it stands in Auburn, they would have a more positive attitude toward him.

Pete needs a reality check on the status of Auburn’s economy. I see a lot of wasted funds in downtown Auburn. You should be making Auburn a safe place and concentrating less on its beauty, so to speak.

For pete’s sake, start listening to Frank and Virginia once in awhile, instead of butting heads with them every chance you get.

– Lois Jean Blackmon