Mayor needs to do his job, hire police officers

In regards to the shortage of police patrolmen in the City of Pacific, Cy Sun needs to do his job as mayor and hire the two budgeted patrolman now.

In regards to the shortage of police patrolmen in the City of Pacific, Cy Sun needs to do his job as mayor and hire the two budgeted patrolman now.

The City Council and the citizens have repeatedly, strongly requested that these officers be hired, but Mayor Sun refuses to do so. He always uses the excuse that he is studying the issue but he never acts. This is deliberate stalling. He has no intention to adequately staff the police department. Ever.

Has anyone else noticed that the police officers, who used to park in front of Alpac Elementary before and after school to deter speeding on Milwaukee Boulevard, have not been doing so for some time now? It is because there are no patrolmen available.

Ask the crossing guard about the speeding cars kids have to dodge daily. She sees the difference from when there was daily traffic enforcement. The speeders know that they can get away with it as they race past the school and then Sun’s nearby house.

Call Cy Sun. Ask him to please attend the next City Council meeting and explain to the citizens why protecting us and our children is not a priority for him. It is for everyone else in this community.

If there is an intruder alert at Alpac Elementary, how can our police department respond effectively with no patrolmen or seriously overworked patrolmen on duty? Think about this.

The City Council and our police department staff want to protect the kids. The money for these officers was budgeted last year and is also in the 2013 budget. There is absolutely no excuse for Cy Sun’s deliberate inaction and complete lack of regard for public safety for the citizens of Pacific.

Cy Sun usually leaves City Council meetings in an indignant huff when he is confronted by the citizens about his lack of action or when he is requested to explain his actions. He is truly afraid to have a back-and-forth discussion with citizens in a public forum. When the going gets tough “there goes Cy Sun out the door and running for home.”

Do not let that deter you from showing up and speaking your mind.

– DuWayne Gratz