Here is the big problem for Democrats:
The Republicans are correct when they say that we have not had a new idea for the past 50 years.
They are also right when they say that we have no real national platform/agenda that we stand for.
I’m not the smartest guy in the world, but at least I have a platform/agenda that I stand for.
I want the federal government to do more and spend more to help our citizens who are poor, near poor, lower middle class, and middle class as they struggle to survive and pay their bills. I want the national Democratic Party to be the way it was in the 1960s when we cared more about all of these people and fought harder to make life better for them.
The problem with the national Democrats is that they have offered no way to pay for anything that would help to make life better for us.
So, we are stuck, and have been spinning our wheels for the past 50 years doing virtually nothing to help anyone.
It’s no wonder why people are sick and tired of us. We haven’t offered anything new or different. I’m sick and tired of us.
The only way to get the revenue to actually do something to help Americans is something that national Democrats won’t advocate. So I will. Donald Trump proposed it in 1999. Look it up.
The only way to get the revenue to fund my platform/agenda is to pass a National Wealth Tax. If you want to play “Robin Hood” (as I do) you have to tax wealth because that’s where the big bucks are.
So, I advocate for the passage of a National Wealth Tax of 10 percent on all individuals with a net wealth and net worth of $10 million and higher. This will affect less than 1 percent of our population.
If we want to have a Canadian-style, national health insurance program that would cover and help 99 percent of Americans, except the very rich, this is the only way to come up with the money for it.
– Stewart B. Epstein