Auburn High School is 61 years old. The classroom buildings need to be replaced. The Performing Arts Center needs to be maintained.
In Krista Parsons’ letter to the editor on Oct. 12, I was incorrectly quoted as having said the Auburn Performing Arts Center is “beautiful state of the art.”
We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Judge Patrick Burns.
The speed limit on the West Valley Highway through Algona has been 40 mph for at least 50 years. It has recently been reduced to 25 mph.
Glad the Auburn City Council has finally managed to get rid of reimbursements for “service club” dues for council members.
If you want a proven leader who listens and responds to the needs of our community, I highly recommend voting for Katrina Asay.
I invite you to join me at the Auburn Performing Arts Center at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday for a special concert by the Auburn Symphony Orchestra.
When is it going to end? When are the city and the county going to stop demanding more money from homeowners to pay for their inability to handle money correctly? When are people going to make the city and county governments be accountable for their handling of the money we give them?
When you mark your Nov. 6 ballot to support your favorite candidates, you can also vote to support thousands of current and future students of Auburn High School.
We recently participated in a tour of Auburn High School and the meeting that followed with school district board members, administrators and others involved in the planning for building a new school for our community.
I have been a teacher and administrator in Auburn for 32 years, and for 30 of them I have proudly worked at Auburn High School. Having seen every part of the school from the inside out for the past three decades, I am writing as a citizen to encourage you to vote yes by Nov. 6 in support of the Auburn High School Modernization and Reconstruction Bond.
Several years ago Auburn missed out on getting a justice center. Kent got it.
My wife and I purchased our home in Pacific in 1984. It is the only home we have ever had and paid off the mortgage 2008. We raised our two kids here. Our home is not a big fancy house, but it does keep the weather out, heat in and rain off our heads.
In reference to your Sept. 21 editorial, “It’s time for mayor to resign,” please let me say that that it was a well-written, unbiased and informative story.
Roger Flygare is personal friend, and I felt it important to state how I feel regarding the finding of Roger’s misstated military record. He is running for State Representative in the 30th District Position 1. I know Roger, as do his many personal friends, as a person who would never intentionally misrepresent himself, or facts important to the public.
The school district is requesting $110 million to remodel 240,000 square feet, as well as improvements to the Performing Arts Center (PAC).
As a community activist in Kent I was pretty skeptical when I heard we hired a new police chief from out of state. What does this guy from Minnesota know about the sixth largest city in the state of Washington? Do they even have urban crime there?
We all want to get our money’s worth, so why are we willing to keep pouring our tax dollars down the money pit of the old Auburn High School building instead of voting to build a new school while construction costs, loan rates, etc. are at an all-time low and a $25 million state grant is available?
The record-breaking Auburn International Farmers Market (AIFM) season has come to a close.
In response to the letter by Bill Peloza about the Auburn International Farmers Market (“Meager market, shame on you”, Reporter, Sept. 21), it sounded to me like another political partial truth we read or hear so much about lately.