Persevering through tough times on Main Street

Two years ago a story titled "Persevering on Main Street" appeared on the front page of this newspaper.

Two years ago a story titled “Persevering on Main Street” appeared on the front page of this newspaper.

Today, despite the obstacles all around me, I find myself still persevering on Main Street.

Street closures, businesses coming and going, ownership changes and the small “tiffs” that are just part of daily routines can discourage anyone trying to do business. But I have found that living in the moment, day to day, keeps me going.

During this time, I have met hundreds of people who continue to supply me with the encouragement and support that any small business needs to keep opening its doors every morning.

At a time when healthy competition is the name of the game among businesses, I have found friends who are a part of that group. I have lost a few, too, which can be the hardest part, but it is a fact of the age demographics. Downtown Auburn, as desolate and quiet as it might appear on the outside, contains some of the most considerate and supportive people around.

I wait, as do many of the other businesses here, for the time that the city realizes its downtown plaza dream. How many more of the storefronts here will be vacant before that time? But how many new businesses will also open their doors? Who knows.

But one thing that I do know is that until I can no longer open the door and turn on the lights, the Kitsch-en will be here for the friends whom I have made and for those I have yet to make.

And that is why, after two more years, I am still “Persevering on Main Street”.

– Colleen Barry