Last week, at our City Council’s Municipal Services Committee meeting, the Auburn Reporter correctly relayed my passion and concern for keeping our community safe in a discussion about the Photo Safe Program.
I did comment that I was frustrated by the attempts of people outside our community to show that this was somehow a bad program, used statistics either from out of state or out of context, or used it for political gain.
I am happy to report that I believe I have had an open and positive conversation with District 31 State Rep. Christopher Hurst, and I believe he will continue to work and promote public safety while, at the same time, make sure the program will not be abused.
I have stated I would be willing to come to Olympia, along with my police chief, and testify to our program and our successes, both with keeping our people and our children safe. At the same time, I would be willing to share the more than 40 neighborhood traffic calming projects completed in Auburn due to our City Council’s wise decision to have all net proceeds of Photo Safe dedicated to reducing local neighborhood traffic safety concerns.
Our three Photo-Safe red light intersections have made a positive difference in public safety, and our 13 school zone cameras are helping to keep our children safe.
Although last year’s invoices of $901,789 were exceeded by the $1,098,672 cost of running the program in 2009, the City has received a net-after expenses of $479,000 since the program began in 2006. Currently, more than $375,000 of those funds have been expended in more than 40 neighborhood traffic calming projects.
– Mayor Pete Lewis