Reichert and oil

Congressman Davie Reichert does not represent me. Why? Let’s take just one topic. The Keystone pipeline.

Congressman Davie Reichert does not represent me. Why? Let’s take just one topic. The Keystone pipeline.

First, Reichert voted to exempt the oil company from paying into a fund that would pay to clean up any spills. That leaves the cost to us. Second, Reichert voted to invoke eminent domain. The oil companies needed that because the pipeline will go directly through sacred Indian grounds.

Haven’t we taken enough from the Indians?

And third, it will only create a handful of permanent good paying jobs, not the thousands they want you to believe.

Finally, there are the environmental issues. The oil company has Reichert in its pocket.

There is no benefit to me or you from this pipeline, only the oil company benefits and, of course, Reichert benefits. Is that what represents you? It doesn’t represent me.

– Patti Larson